YaBB - Create a new board

YaBB is a community. And, as a community, we wish and expect it to grow. We encourage you to create new boards for discussions that don't quite fit into the theme or subject of existing boards. Of course any new boards must have two things:

First and most important is appeal to other members. If a proposed board is very specialized and of interest to only a few members, it would probably be a better choice simply to create a topic within the closest related board. Then, if the topic grows to sufficient popularity, create a new board specifically for it.

The second thing any new board needs is a Board Moderator. The Moderator of a board assists the Forum Staff in routine maintenance of the board (deleting or archiving old posts, for example), keeping the board on topic, removing offensive posts, and other such tasks. Most importantly, a Moderator must keep the board alive and active.

If you have an idea for a new board that you feel is of interest to other members, and you are willing to become the Moderator for the board, then tell us. New boards may only be created by the Administrator of YaBB. So please send a Private Message with the subject "New Board Creation Request" to username "admin" or other Forum Staffers. Please include in the request the following information:
  1. Your real name.
  2. Your YaBB handle.
  3. A brief description of the board you'd like to create and why you think the board will appeal to other members.
  4. The title you'd like to give your new board.
The Forum Staff will review your request and respond as quickly as possible. Please allow a couple of days for a response as the Forum Staff have lives and jobs to take care of too.


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